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Search results for "waste management"

Including 5 closely related terms such as waste services, waste, and waste services.

1 result

Harborough District Council

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… from waste, transport, housing and APPENDIX A Version 1 Page 3 business Leading by example A number of electrical vehicle charging points have been introduced across the district in Council car parks. HDC has taken the lead on the ERDF/Business Rates Pool bid to install electrical charging points across the County in each district locality HDC will review all…

… and improvements are undertaken appropriately All buildings are monitored quarterly and monthly, with some more detailed monitoring in specific buildings. Emissions have reduced by over 40% since 2008. Waste services have procured Euro VI vehicles and include driver training and monitoring to reduce fuel use Survey of council assets to inform the work required to meet carbon neutrality…

… APPENDIX A Version 1 Page 7 domestic recycling rates of 45.7%, including the well used green waste scheme. Harborough District is a pilot area in promoting Sustainable Food Places, with the aim of achieving bronze status. Engagement in ECO question time events and partners, promoting local food growing projects and reduction of food waste at home. Promotion of EV…

… to date Possible Future actions and timescales Encourage Local Business to reduce its impact Harborough District Council Business Waste service offers waste and recycling to 814 businesses, 769 have a general waste service, 420 have a recycling service Green Belle grants enabled grants of over £48,000 for LED and energy Promote business waste service to all Harborough businesses…

… promotion via tourism Lead by example in good practice in workspaces Council buildings including HIC and Move on Space all have recycling containers to reduce waste. The Market has been used to promote low waste options, including reusable bags. Market promoting new low waste “eco“ traders. HIC and Move on Space developed to high environmental standards (BREEAM excellent…


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