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Search results for "waste management"

Including the closely related term waste.

1 result

Ashford Borough Council

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… the guidance and risk assessment process set out in HA (2009) Sites with heavy pollution (eg haulage yards, lorry parks, highly frequented lorry approaches to industrial estates, waste sites), sites where chemicals and fuels are to be delivered, handled, stored, used or manufactured, industrial sites High Discharges may require an environmental licence or permit. Obtain pre-permitting advice from…

…- residential car parking with frequent change (eg hospitals, retail), all roads except low traffic roads and trunk roads/motorways Medium 0.7 0.6 0.7 Sites with heavy pollution (eg haulage yards, lorry parks, highly frequented lorry approaches to industrial estates, waste sites, sites where chemicals and fuels are to be delivered, handled, stored, used or manufactured, industrial sites, trunk…


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