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Search results for "waste management"

Including 9 closely related terms such as waste reduction, management, and manage.

1 result

Adur District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… reductions, and one of the new commitments below this includes greater focus on climate resilience. SustainableAW 2018-2019 Building on the commitments made by Adur & Worthing Councils as part of Platforms for our Places, Sustainable AW is an initiative designed to address a wide range of environmental issues. These include biodiversity, carbon reduction, energy, transport, waste reduction

… of electricity purchased by AWC.  Scope 3 – Indirect emissions that result from other activities that occur in the value chain of AWC, either upstream or downstream. This includes emissions associated with buildings and services linked to the Councils but where they are not responsible for paying the fuel bills, for example leased properties, the leisure centres and the waste management system. It also…

… includes business travel using non-Council owned vehicles. The baseline for the Council’s emissions include Scope 1, 2 and some Scope 3 emissions. In the future, additional data collection could be undertaken to better understand the Councils’ Scope 3 emissions. These would include, for instance, emissions from waste disposal, and procurement. 2.2 Carbon emissions in 2018/19 Based on metered gas…

…/government/uploads/system/uploads/ attachment_data/ file/745003/Guidance_note_for_voluntary_reporting-final.pdf Adur & Worthing Councils – Carbon Neutral Plan AECOM Note that there are additional Scope 3 emissions, such as those arising from business travel by public transport, car mileage not logged via essential or casual car user payments, emissions from waste or emissions from procurement…

… a vision for achieving clean growth through the year 2050, with a focus on the power, heat and transportation sectors. It highlights several key opportunities for the region, including:  Significant renewable energy potential, especially solar, wind, energy from waste and landfill gas;  Rich natural assets (including a high proportion of woodland); and  Large amounts of planned new…


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