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Including the closely related terms government, and uk government.

1 result

Rugby Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…” running through the organisation 10Climate Change Strategy | Rugby Borough Council The UK Government has committed to a national target of net zero emissions by 2050 (which is legally binding under the Climate Change Act 2008) and the Government and local authorities share a common goal to deliver on net zero targets. We’ll also work closely with our neighbouring local authorities Stratford…

… with local businesses, partner organisations, schools, community groups, parish councils and individuals to deliver urgent and transformative action and help all residents and businesses on the journey towards a net zero future. 1 National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory data sourced from government/statistics/uk-local-authority-and-regional-carbon…

… at a national, regional or sub-regional level. It is therefore important that we can accurately convey the Borough’s priorities and needs to national, regional and sub-regional government bodies. In doing so, we will: Ensure that clear communications are maintained with relevant government departments, local Members of Parliament, ministers and civil servants. Work with national bodies such as the Local…

Government Association and the District Councils Network to maximise our collective voice. Understand central government policy changes and disseminate key messages at a local level. Work across the broader geographies, advocating for the Borough and ensuring that the Borough’s interests are acted upon at these levels. This strategy recognises that the Council has multiple roles in addressing the Climate…

… to influence and support delivery through partnerships across the borough and engagement with central government. We extend an invitation to all of our local partners and residents from businesses, local community groups and voluntary organisations, parish councils and civic society to join us in recognising the global climate emergency and the need for urgent action to help Rugby to become a net zero…


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