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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related term government.

1 result

Thanet District Council

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… declared a climate and ecological emergency, as have NGOs worldwide and a number of international governments. The groundswell of people of all ages, calling for a new approach demonstrates that there is so much more that must be done. As part of the climate emergency we have also acknowledged the ecological emergency. The Intergovernmental Science policy platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem services…

… with high levels of insulation, reducing energy costs to our tenants and keeping the homes warm in winter and cool in summer. Home Energy Thanet District Council Homes Energy Officer is working with the government to enable residents obtain vouchers to receive up to 66% off the price of installing energy saving items such as insulation, double glazing and heat…

… planning.  See the full division of services. Fundamentally everything is guided by government policy and law. Thanet District Council shall therefore do what is within its power to become carbon neutral by 2030 within our estates and activities. For areas outside of our control we will need assistance from the government, KCC…


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