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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related terms government, and uk government.

1 result

Rossendale Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. We are clear that human activities are leading to climate change at a scale and pace that threatens our quality of life and that of future generations. Such a global challenge requires a global response, and we are keen to do our bit at a local level and provide leadership on this issue which is becoming of increasing public concern. The UK Government has agreed to take a lead globally…

… from renewable sources. TO ACHIEVE THIS, WE WILL FOCUS ON THE FOLLOWING OBJECTIVES: Commission an assessment of the Council’s carbon footprint; Identify ways to reduce the consumption of energy in council owned buildings; Work with local housing associations and private sector landlords to increase home insulation and adopt other energy efficiency measures, identifying government funding…

… travel options such as walking and cycling. The Council’s development of the new bus station in Rawtenstall is a visible commitment to our approach for better public transport and we are keen to work with government on even more ambitious developments in the future such as a modern rail route into Great Manchester. WE WILL FOCUS ON DRIVING THE FOLLOWING OUTCOMES: Moving all council fleet…

… providers and through government grants this could possibly be reduced. We know that transport and older vehicles can be a major contributor to carbon emissions and other harmful pollutants. Promoting more efficient vehicles could help reduce these pollutants. We want to identify leaders in each sector to champion change and to share the many opportunities that exist for reducing emissions…

… they have produced 553,043 KWH of electricity and for every KWH produced we receive 11.5p from the Government subsidy - The Feed in Tariff (FIT). Over this period the total FIT is £63,599. Through the solar panels, we are producing approximately a third of the electricity we need for Futures Park therefore we no longer need to purchase this from the National Grid at the cost 12.5 per KWH making…


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