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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related terms government, and scottish government.

1 result

North Ayrshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…: - Water vapour (H2O) - Carbon dioxide (CO2) - Methane (CH4) - Nitrous oxide (N2O) - Fluorinated gases (F-gases) UK’s biggest GHG emission sectors are transport (28%), energy supply (23%), business (18%) and residential (15%) (2018 UK greenhouse gas emissions: final figures; July 2020, BEIS). The latest report from Scottish Government indicates 73% of Scotland's net greenhouse gas…

… to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The need for the development of new sustainable buildings should be informed by the Scottish Government’s Investment Hierarchy. This is focused in order of: determine future need; maximise the useful life of existing assets; repurpose and co-locate; replace, create or build new assets. Figure 3. The graph shows yearly temperature anomalies from 1880…

… of a sustainable, climate ready North Ayrshire is one where we all play our part, as a local authority, business, school, community group or individual. This strategy also recognises that to achieve this sustainability vision, North Ayrshire requires the Scottish Government to be a key enabler, empowering the Council to advance actions in tackling climate change such as reducing area wide carbon…

…) Act 2019 September 2019: the Scottish Government has set itself a legally binding target to cut greenhouse gas Public Bodies’ Climate Change Duties: The 2009 Climate Change Act set out the Duties of Public Bodies in relation to climate change: - to contribute to the delivery of the carbon emission reduction Building Regulations/ Building…

… makes provision for regulating the supply of thermal energy by a heat network, and for regulating the construction and operation of a heat network Climate Change Plan - Third Report on Proposals and Polices 2018- 2032 provides an overview of the Scottish Government plan Climate Ready Scotland - Second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme…


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