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Including the closely related terms government, uk government, and scottish government.

1 result

City of Edinburgh Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… waste. We’ll also continue to build on the progress we have made decarbonising our light fleet with a focus on our larger vehicles. Funding will continue to be challenge but we are already investing in our Council Emissions Reduction Plan and will work to ensure we are well placed to benefit from funding opportunities from the Scottish Government, UK Government and other national bodies…

… as further data becomes available and additional actions are developed; and 1.1.4 Note that the Council’s organisational emissions are updated annually and reported to the Scottish Government through the Public Bodies Climate Change Duty Reporting (PBCCD). Andrew Kerr Chief Executive Contact: Claire Marion, Senior Change and Delivery Officer (Carbon Management) E-mail: claire.marion…

… “Ending poverty by 2030” and “Wellbeing and Equalities”. The CERP contributes to Outcome 8: “On track to deliver our 2030 net zero target”. 3.3 Since 2010/11, the Council has publicly reported its organisational emissions annually to the Scottish Government through Public Bodies Climate Change Duty…

…’ pilot exercise currently being undertaken to inform the approach and contribution that the operational estate will make to meet the net zero target. 4.9 However, additional investment will be required to secure change at the pace needed to remain within the Council’s carbon budget. A successful bid has been made to the Scottish Government’s Green Growth Accelerator which will provide up to £10…

… million to retrofit Council buildings based on a payment in arears funding model and upon the achievement of project outcomes including carbon emissions reductions and green economy opportunities. In addition, the Scottish Government will provide the Council with an additional grant funding of up to £120,000 to develop the EnerPHit Business Case. The Council will continue to seek other sources…


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