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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related terms government, uk government, and scottish government.

1 result

East Lothian Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… the Scottish Government’s net zero target unless further guidance and legislative changes are in place. It is noted that Climate Change is a rapidly moving area of national legislation and policy and the Council will work closely with the Scottish Government to  Ensure measures and resources are in place for existing homes and buildings to be zero carbon;  Ensure mitigation is embedded in planning…

… East Lothian. However, it should be noted that Climate Change is a rapidly moving area of national legislation and policy, The Council responded to the recent Scottish Government consultation on the Role of Public Bodies in tackling Climate Change setting out the need for the Scottish Government to commit the resources, tools and powers to enable local authorities to fundamentally address…

… the transformational changes required. This requires policy and legislative change at national level. The Council will continue to work in partnership with the Scottish Government to secure the resources, tools and powers to tackle the Climate Emergency, and to ensure the engagement and compliance of others in achieving this. In the meantime the Council will continue to progress towards reducing its overall…

… the consultation. 17  Strategic Environmental Assessment Pre-Screening (Supporting Document 3): The Draft Climate Change Strategy has been through the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Pre-Screening process. The Pre-Screening Notification was submitted to the Scottish Government’s SEA Gateway and no concerns were raised by the SEA Consultation Authorities. 2.5 Research and Data Analysis…

… than the 1990 baseline. The UK’s Committee for Climate Change provided recommendations to the UK Government in May 2019 following the publication of the IPCC report. In response, the UK Government recently lodged amendments to the Climate Change Act to set a target for the UK of 100% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050. 3.3 National Policy Context: Scotland’s World-leading Climate Change…


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