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Search results for "uk government"

Including 4 closely related terms such as uk governments, uk government, and government.

1 result

Blackpool Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to different patterns and intensity of rainfall, causing floods and heat stress on cattle and farming. By studying natural and human-caused climate change separately, it is clear that human activity is mostly responsible. Being a compact urban area, Blackpool’s share of carbon emissions is smaller than other areas. As shown in the charts below, action taken by European and UK governments since the 1990…

… properties lower than a C rating for energy efficiency, and 82% are graded below C for their Environmental Impact Rating . Linked to this, 16.3% of households are in fuel poverty, above the national average, and most are heated by mains gas. With most people owning their own homes or paying mortgages, and relatively low wage levels, the UK government will need to provide further financial support…

… for energy and emissions reduction • Promote resource efficiency to Small and Medium Enterprises The change to a low carbon economy will require new skills and jobs. We will develop a low carbon skills transition plan, which will include looking at opportunities for business and service industry growth. This will require significant financial investment from the UK government

… additional money being committed by the UK government, financial institutions, and public and private sector organisations. Those individuals who can shoulder some financial burden will also need to contribute, particularly those who can afford to spend now to recoup money in the long term. Others will need partial or total financial support to be able to make the necessary changes. Some of our…

… council assets Council Director of Resources December 2021 for programme Energy and Utilities Manager; council funding Generation of zero emission energy in Blackpool for Council use 43. Develop Decarbonisation of Heat Strategy including consideration of renewable alternatives and a move to green gas where unavoidable; Energy audits Council Director of Resources TBC Pending UK government


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