Including the closely related terms government, and uk government.
… in initiatives which will help them to contribute to delivering carbon neutrality in Sunderland. We will do this by: • Engaging with the University and the Students’ Union. • Developing a School Programme with Together for Children. • Ensuring young people continue to be represented on the 2030 Shadow Board. Understanding Carbon Data The UK Government department BEIS (Department for Business…
… to limit the global temperature rise to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit it even further to 1.5°C. The UK government has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. The Greenhouse Effect: When sunlight reaches the Earth, some of the energy is absorbed on the surface and re-radiated as infrared energy that we call heat. This goes…
… 41 Strategic Priority 7: Reduce consumption and waste 43 Get involved 46 Sunderland Low Carbon Framework December 2020 Page 1 Foreword Climate change remains the challenge of our generation. The World (and the UK) is heating up. Governments from all around the World (including the UK) acknowledge…
… to the way that we currently work as a city. We are proposing to embed climate change and carbon neutrality throughout our city. Moving forward to achieve our targets will require significant investment of time, money and energy from the council, the government, partners and residents all working together. This is a shared challenge, and this Framework reflects our approach to realising…
… of Mayors, UK100 Pledge, and through our declaration of a climate emergency. It has been shaped by scientific data to ensure it is in line with the commitments in the Paris Agreement and other national commitments. There are many areas where further detail or support from Government is required. However, given the urgency for action, we are choosing to drive this Framework forward now…