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1 result

Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Fo re w o rd Foreword It is recognised by Government and scientists internation- ally, that climate change is the most important environ- mental challenge that we face. As a local authority, Ton- bridge and Malling Borough Council has an important leadership role to play in responding to the challenges posed by climate change, particularly relat- ing to the delivery of our key services…

…, the number of households has been in- creasing. For gas, the mean consumption (domestic and non-domestic) in Tonbridge and Malling in 2018 was 18,339GWh, higher than the Kent average of 18,291GWh. This is lower than in 2015 where the mean for Tonbridge and Malling was 18,533GWh. Gas remains the main source of domestic emissions and heating. The government has proposed to ban the installation of gas…

… fired boilers in new homes from 2025, in a bid to tackle emissions. The retrofitting of existing dwell- ings to remove boilers in favour of low emission alternatives, does however re- main a challenge that requires government support. Renewable electricity In Tonbridge and Malling (end of 2018) there were 1353 installation sites produc- ing 40,011MWh of renewable electricity…

…. Of these installation sites, 99.3% were photovoltaic specific, however this accounted for just 29% of the total renewable electricity generated. The remaining electricity came from the conversion of land- fill gas (42%), anaerobic digestion (18%), sewage gas (9%), plant biomas (<2%) and onshore wind (<1%). Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) accreditation – the RHI is a government scheme that aims to encourage…

… with each property. This is also required where practicable and proportionate for non-residential developments.  New dwellings will be required to meet the Building regulations optional re- quirement for tighter water efficiency of 110 litres/person/day (draft policy LP44). The Council is mindful that Housing Standards Review in 2014 resulted in the Coalition Government winding down the voluntary…


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