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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related terms uk government, and government.

1 result

Harlow Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… for generations to come. Harlow Council has an opportunity and obligation to demonstrate civic leadership in embracing that challenge by charting a course to Net Zero carbon emissions. Getting it right is critical to making Harlow an even greater engine for opportunity and prosperity in the East of England. Following the UK Government setting the Net Zero target in law in June 2019, it has been under…

… levels of 1990. In order to meet this target the UK government is taking a broad approach which includes carbon budgeting, investment in green skills and jobs and engaging citizens to identify and prioritise actions to achieve Net Zero. 7. Under the Climate Change Act 2008 (the 2008 Act), the Government must set five- yearly carbon budgets, twelve years in advance, from 2008 to 2050. A carbon…

… as well as actions relating to land use and waste reduction. 8. The UK Government has also set up a Green Investment Bank and has made available several tranches of funding designed to boost green jobs and skills. The Council is able to make use of a number of these funding schemes, including the Public Sector De-carbonisation Scheme and electric vehicle charging point grants. 9…

… periods. While this is good progress, there is still a significant amount of work left, with the most complex and costly decisions yet to be taken. Tackling climate change is this century’s single most pressing global challenge. How that challenge is met by national and local government and internationally will define the world in which we all live and will impact the lives of people…

… to take Harlow to zero emissions, but it is not yet clear which of these will work best, and indeed a combination may be required. Harlow Council will closely monitor the emerging technologies that will facilitate our path to Net Zero, so that we are ready to take full advantage of them when it is appropriate for us to do so. Government initiatives related to carbon reduction are currently…


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