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Including 5 closely related terms such as national gov, national government, and government.

1 result

Glasgow City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… as with national government and its agencies. It sets out a timeline of activities against the 61 recommendations from the Climate Emergency Working Group and 25 recommendations from the Ecological Emergency Working Group, looking to ensure that these will help to deliver a healthier, more equitable and resilient city as a key element of a Glaswegian recovery from the Covid-19 crisis. The actions…

…’er supports green opportunities Annual iterative review of the Climate Plan To continue to work with Education Services in the city, Scottish Government and Keep Scotland Beautiful to formally engage with pupils on the climate and ecological emergency and the actions which can be taken to address them. 3.1 Climate plan Theme 1: Communication and Community Empowerment The aims of this theme…

… in the transition to a climate ready and net zero carbon city, by providing clear and accessible information, building capacity and fostering local action to address the global climate and ecological emergency. It will include working with formal education and schools, but also community institutions, communities of place, interest and identity. According to the Scottish Government’s Draft Public…

… by Keep Scotland Beautiful on behalf of the Scottish Government. Recognising the importance of staff development and continuous education, the city council commits itself to become a climate literate organisation through the roll out of Carbon Literacy and Ecological Emergency training, while advocating the roll out of climate literacy training in other organisations across the city…

… for the city and its people. They also give us common points of reference when addressing the various actions required to deal with this emergency situation. 1.4 Recommendations of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) The CCC is an independent, statutory body established under the UK Climate Change Act 2008. Its purpose is to advise the UK and devolved governments on emissions reduction targets…


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