Including the closely related terms united kingdom, and government.
… the Council can make to help deliver the government’s policy commitment to the whole United Kingdom is carbon neutral by 2050. It should be stressed that both these targets will be difficult to achieve but are essential in order to reduce the possible impact arising from a warming planet and the life- threatening climate, ecological and physical changes this will bring. The Council’s pledge, attached…
… Valuation of Amenity Trees AQAP Air Quality Action Plan AQMA Air Quality Management Area LDS Local Development Scheme (Local Plan) LGA Local Government Association DCN District Council Network Feedback on Climate Change Emergency Strategy and Action Plan Report Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3/6/20 All Members welcomed the report and the overall direction of the developing…
… and Local Government for additional resources to achieve achieving zero carbon in the Council’s Housing Stock That we ensure that we achieve the highest possible standards for low/zero carbon homes in new developments through the Local Plan Page 5 That we take advantage of the increase in walking, running and cycling during lockdown to provide better and additional cycling and walking…
… in para 4.6 page 85 and of those to whom it is proposed that expenditure from this budget should be delegated. 3. Suggests that further work needs to be done to identify land for tree planting and possibly solar panel installations. 4. Urges DBC to lobby central government to allow requisite work on the housing stock to be at least partly offset by rent increases. The discussion on the item…
… Valuation of Amenity Trees AQAP Air Quality Action Plan AQMA Air Quality Management Area LDS Local Development Scheme (Local Plan) LGA Local Government Association DCN District Council Network Climate Change Emergency Executive Summary This report sets out the proposed approach for the Council to meet the challenge of the pledge to ensure that the Council, through its assets, services, procurement…