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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related terms uk government, and government.

1 result

Dorset Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… as a result of Local Government Reorganisation and recommends areas for action that will deliver a realistic and achievable approach to ensuring Dorset Council is carbon-neutral by 2040, ahead of the UK government tar- get. Carbon reduction targets towards this are presented in the strate- gy as an approach to ongoing monitoring and annual evaluation of progress to ensure the pathway to carbon…

… produced a report called Net Zero, recommending a new target for the UK to be net zero greenhouse gases by 2050, which could be achieved with known technologies and behavioural changes within the same budget allowed for the previous target. In June 2019, the updated target was legislat- ed by the UK Government. ACTION AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE Reaching net zero emissions requires an annual…

… carbon budgets due to a lack of clear policies (especially regarding heat), and regularly criticise the lack of action by the UK government. / 17 Insert image F ig u re 1 6 CARBON EMISSIONS & ACHIEVING NET-ZERO UK Carbon Emissions In 2017, UK emissions were estimated to be 460.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) , a decrease of 2.7% compared…

… this strategy illustrates it will be possible to tackle the low hanging fruit and combine carbon-reducing actions with other priorities - placing climate change response at the front and centre of our wider priorities - there will still be a need for imaginative and innovative solutions working in partnership with central govern- ment and the private sector. Councillor Ray Bryan Cabinet…

… is framed into these three key areas... Lobbying Critically, much of what is required will need to be led by national gov- ernment through clear policy and support programmes (including fi- nancial incentives). At present, the Climate Change Act sets a clear target for net zero by 2050. However, the Committee on Climate Change has highlighted that many areas of government policy do not yet…


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