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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related terms government, and scottish government.

1 result

Aberdeen City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… information, advice and support on climate adaptation for organisations in Scotland. The programme is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered by Sniffer. Aberdeen Adapts has formed links with the University MSc course in Environmental Partnership Management. This has led to several student placements and student led surveys on adaptation, as well as a workshop using touch table technology…

… and ready for business in the long term. Feedback from stakeholders and through the public consultation for Aberdeen Adapts highlighted a strong preference for linking governance on city-wide action to reduce emissions, with the approach for adaptation. Expressing a need for strong leadership on climate change. Taking this on board, governance for Aberdeen Adapts will be integrated…

… w er in g A b er d ee n S p o n so r Support *Flexible governance arrangements will allow for adjustments to the Energy and Climate Programme as required by any changes to legislation, targets, emission scenarios, resources etc Aberdeen Adapts Climate Adaptation Framework Funding actions Early action to adapt to climate change will allow time to plan ahead…


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