Including the closely related term government.
… 1 WINCHESTER CLIMATE EMERGENCY CARBON NEUTRALITY ACTION PLAN 2020 - 2030 2 SECTION 1 Introduction...............................................4 SECTION 2 Priorities ..................................................11 SECTION 3 Delivery principles.....................................13 SECTION 4 Implementation and governance…
… across the district to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans and drawing on local and global best practice; • Support the lobbying of Government in relation to the Climate Emergency and providing the additional powers and resources needed to meet the 2030 target. CLIMATE EMERGENCY DECLARATION SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 5 PURPOSE OF THE CARBON NEUTRALITY ACTION…
… and the District’s as 629,000 tonnes CO2e, increasing by an additional 205,000 tonnes CO2e when the motorways are included. The Plan will be reviewed annually to enable new issues, challenges, opportunities and solutions to be considered, and projects added over the life of the document. WE ALL HAVE A PART TO PLAY GOVERNMENT • Provide the legislative and regulatory framework that supports carbon…
… years for projects such as renewable energy and energy efficiency projects to be identified that generate sufficient income to cover the cost of borrowing. Where projects don’t make sufficient return other funding sources will be explored (e.g. government grants) and an assessment will need to be of the cost versus the benefit. In October Cabinet proposed that a “Transitional Reserve” could…
… sustainable.’ RICHARD BOTHAM STRATEGIC DIRECTOR WINCHESTER CITY COUNCIL SECTION 4: IMPLEMENTATION AND GOVERNANCE 17 GOVERNANCE | CITY COUNCIL The council has established a project group to develop this Action Plan and this will evolve into the governance arrangement to ensure its delivery and achievement of the target outcomes, monitoring progress towards carbon neutrality for the council…