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Search results for "uk government"

Including 5 closely related terms such as national gov, national government, and uk government.

1 result

Waverley Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… of the natural world and its biodiversity. In May 2019, the UK Committee on Climate Change recommended that the UK Government respond by increasing their target to net- zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Government has now adopted this target and on the 1st May 2019 the House of Commons passed a motion declaring a national climate change emergency. On 18th September 2019, Waverley…

… public transport as those responsibilities are with the national government and SCC, it will take action within its own powers in support of electrification and hydrogen alternatives and more sustainable transport while lobbying SCC and government as appropriate. The council can however influence the reduction of emissions directly by:  encouraging council staff to look at alternative…

… New Corporate Policy Template Sep 2019 - Accessible to staff Waverley Borough Council Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy 2 Document Information & Governance Approval & Publication:  Approving Body  Approval route requirement  Publication Type…

… Document Information & Governance ...................................................................... 2 Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 4 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 5 Vision and Aim…

… Borough Council unanimously declared a Climate Emergency and committed itself to being carbon neutral by 2030 to help reduce the risk of temperatures rising in excess of 1.5°C. Whilst many solutions to climate change need to be tackled at a national or international level, all levels of government, communities, businesses and individuals have a role to play in addressing climate change…


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