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1 result

Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Carbon Neutral Action Plan Carbon Neutral Action Plan December 2020 1 2 3 Contents 1 Foreword 2 Introduction 3 Current Traford Profle 4 Carbon Neutrality 5 Carbon Neutral Framework 6 Governance

… and Engagement Action Plan 1 Governance, Engagement and Collaboration 2 Production and Consumption of Resources 3 Transport and Travel 4 Heat and Energy 5 Natural Environment 6 Skills and Green Growth 7 Homes, Workplaces and Buildings 4 5 1 Foreword Traford Council was one of the frst local authorities to declare a climate emergency in November 2018, whilst Greater…

… individual and organisation present within the borough has a role to play if we are to successfully reduce emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. It is anticipated that the government will push forward with measures to deliver a green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and build towards the 2050 net-zero emissions target, so it is important…

… of consultation and engagement work. The composition, role and interaction of these groups are covered in greater detail in section 6 – ‘Governance Engagement and Collaboration’. A strategy is under development for its operational estate consistent with the GM approach through the Environment Team and the Decarbonising Our Public Estate working group. The Council is also involved in work at the GM level…

… Council-Business Alliance Geographicals Clusters Council-sectoral Partnerships (Traford Partnership) Tra fo rd Clim ate Ch ang e a nd Air Qu alit y C om mis sio n Traford Climate Emergency Resident’s Panel 12 6 Governance and Engagement 14 15 It is important to establish a clear governance framework for progressing work in response to the climate emergency…


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