Including the closely related term government.
… be required for the city as a whole to meet the ambition of being carbon neutral by 2030. There are a range of areas where further detail, support or intervention at national level by Government is required to facilitate this and accelerate progress. However, given the urgency for action, as a city we are choosing to drive this Framework forward now, based on what we already know we need to do…
…, and other organisations in the city. Sunderland Low Carbon Action Plan December 2020 Page 3 City Council Governance and Budget Responsibility for Low Carbon sits within City Development but requires all services across the Council to be actively involved. It is imperative that carbon reduction is imbedded into every aspect of service delivery and that all employees recognise the role…
… in CO2 compared to 1990 levels by 2012. Framework Vision ‘Through joint partnership with local residents, communities and business, Sunderland aims to become a carbon neutral city by 2040.’ To help us achieve our vision, we will work with partners and with Government to identify support and investment which can enable us to bring forward achievement of our vision. City Council Target…
… carbon initiatives, including climate resilience and offsetting, procurement, governance and engagement. An energy efficient built environment Strategic Priority 3: Improve energy efficiency of existing homes and buildings and infrastructure and work towards zero carbon for new homes and buildings Renewable energy generation and storage Strategic Priority 4: Develop…
… A ct io n R ef Action P ro je ct R ef Project Status of Project D ir ec to ra te Service Area T im es ca le s C o u n ci l o r ci ty t a rg et Benefit to Council carbon footprint Benefit to city’s carbon footprint 5.05 Lobby Government regarding sustainable transport investment in infrastructure in/into Sunderland 5.05.1 Continue to lobby, Government and Nexus…