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Including the closely related term government.

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Melton Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… for governance and oversight of the activity going forward, which is considered to be of great importance as it will permeate most, if not all, parts of the organisation and in order to keep all members informed of progress, recognising the status of the subject as a Corporate Priority. 4 Options Considered 4.1 The approach proposed is considered to relate closely to the Councils’ management, leadership…

… and overall governance structures. Other models have been considered but are not considered to be sufficiently aligned. 5 Background 5.1 The Climate Emergency Policy Development Group, established in July 2019 has developed a series of suggested initiatives covering many aspects of the Council’s activity and extending into how we influence others – both agencies and the wider public/economy e.g…

… to the Policy Development Group) - including roles and responsibilities and the necessary governance structures required to oversee the implementation of the plan. (vi) Monitoring and evaluation (Policy Development Group) – to receive progress reports from service areas via the Climate Change and Environmental Quality Board, and to report progress on the overarching action plan to Cabinet/Council…

…  Increased use of local food suppliers;  MBC vehicles to be energy efficient or electric; use of green fuels in Council owned vehicles.  Recharging points on MBC estate  Encourage electric Charging points around the Borough; Investigate the government scheme On-Street Residential Charge point Scheme (ORCS)  Investigate impact of increased volume of rural traffic on roads  Working with bus…

… established budgets. Financial Implications reviewed by: Director for Corporate Services – 10.03.20 10 Legal and Governance Implications 10.1 Oversight and Governance of this activity would be provided by the continuation of the Climate Emergency Policy Development Group, with annual updates provided to Council. Within senior management structures, an Environment Board is to be established to oversee…


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