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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related terms government, and uk government.

1 result

Dacorum Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… efficiency/clean heat/renewable generation measures across their own estate. The Energy Hub aims to support public sector organisations to be ‘bid ready’ to access the UK government’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund in due course. The expression of interest is focused on Council owned community buildings, a waste depot and General Fund housing being used for Temporary Accommodation. We have also…

… BREEAM Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method PSH Private Sector Housing PRS Private Rented Sector HMO House in Multiple Occupation CAVAT Capital Asset Valuation of Amenity Trees AQAP Air Quality Action Plan AQMA Air Quality Management Area LDS Local Development Scheme (Local Plan) LGA Local Government Association DCN District Council Network 1. Background…

… approved will make a big impact on reducing the Borough’s carbon footprint. 4.2 The Local Plan is bound by the requirements of Planning Law and government guidance which attempts to create a balance between achieving a net zero carbon UK by 2050 and developer viability, the latter causing a potential restriction the levels of carbon efficiency to be required. There are a number of parallel…

… developments in government policy which will have a bearing on how far we can increase the standards above the current levels specifically the Future Homes Standard. This will be delivered as a Building Control requirements at levels considerably higher than the old Code Level 4 and should be in force relatively quickly. One proposal in the Future Homes Standard is to prevent Local Planning Authorities…

… from imposing higher requirements than the new standard through their Local Plans. As this seems contrary to national target of zero carbon by 2050 it is hoped that MHCLG drop this and allow the highest energy efficiency standards and low/zero carbon development to be incorporated into Local Plans and ongoing development management. 4.3 The government has also issued a Planning White Paper…


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