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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related terms government, and scottish government.

1 result

Falkirk Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… are still projected to increase by 6% and costs to grow by £2.6m p.a. 3 The Council area’s population continues to grow in relation to population and Falkirk Council is one of only a few Scottish local authorities whose carbon emissions have continued to increase over time. Public reporting to Scottish Government on carbon emissions will become mandatory in 2016, although the Council has been…

… as Scottish Water. The funding has been used to set up revolving funds administered at local level. The savings from energy efficiency cost savings are then used to re-invest into the fund to allow additional projects to proceed. 6.3 SALIX FUND: A UK and Scottish Government backed soft loan fund that aims to increase capital investment in energy efficient technologies across the public sector…

…; Data 2.3 Carbon Footprint 2.4 Scope 3. Projections & Value at Stake 4. Previous Trends 5. Future Action 6. Financing Carbon Saving Projects 7. Responsibility, Governance & Reporting 8. Conclusion 9. Appendices Appendix A – Project Register 2015/16 to 2020/21 – tables 1 to 5 Appendix B – Details of Previous Carbon Reduction Projects Appendix C – Projected…

…, contract conditions and contract management. (B)  Use of Government Buying Standards product and service specifications with built in sustainability best practice. (B) 5.7 CORPORATE COMMITMENT  Quarterly reports on Services’ carbon emissions will be issued to and reviewed by Departmental Management Teams and the Corporate management Team. (M)  Services build CO2 reduction targets…

… to be funded through a combination of options, including: 6.1 NO COST/LOW COST Some of the projects with the greatest carbon saving potential will have limited financial outlay but require significant planning, e.g. behaviour change, implementing heating management guidance and rationalising how buildings are used. 6.2 CENTRAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY FUND (CEEF) In 2004, the Scottish


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