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Including 9 closely related terms such as national gov, national government, and national governments.

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Perth and Kinross Council

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… local and national governments to declare climate emergencies, and this urgency has been given extra impetus by emerging movements globally and locally - raising awareness of the catastrophic consequences of inaction. In June this year the Council declared our support for the Scottish Government and UK Parliaments’ climate emergency statements. We must turn this intent into practice…

… involved for each scenario - see part 2 of this report. (Action SA2 – Appendix 2) c) Our Targets – International, National, Local i) Introduction International bodies and national governments have responded to the climate change emergency by setting increasingly ambitious targets. The following summarises the most significant targets for Perth and Kinross arising from international, EU, UK…

… and implementation efforts. United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 - Goal 13: Climate Action - sets the requirement for nations to ‘Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts’ by 2030. iii) UK Targets To deliver its international obligations and comply with EU legislation, the UK Government has set a target to be carbon neutral by 2050, with the introduction…

… of the Climate Change Act 2008. This includes both carbon and other greenhouse gases. iv) Scottish Targets Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 – set new targets for Scotland: ➢ Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 ➢ New interim targets, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions - 56% by 2020, 75% by 2030, and 90% by 2040 Scottish Government’s Programme for Scotland…

… towards the impacts of climate change. In some cases, targets are set however; the targets need to be refreshed to keep pace with the emerging statutory and policy targets set by UK and Scottish Governments. (Action SA2 – Appendix 2) d) Current Emissions in Perth & Kinross, and Greatest Opportunities for Change i) Emissions in Scotland Figure 6 shows that across Scotland transport…


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