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North Northamptonshire Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

…: (December 2022 – December 2023) Sites have been identified and presented to the Assets Scrutiny Board. This forms part of the recent Decarbonisation bid - outcome will be known by Quarter 1 2024/25 financial year. Forward Outlook: Pending outcome of grant funding the next stage would be to cover off project funding and governance approvals. Progress & RAG status Activity CMP080 Phase 2…

… and governance approvals. Progress & RAG status Activity CMP081 Phase 3- District energy scheme in Corby Delivery term: Medium (by Mar-27) Delivery Update: (December 2022 – December 2023) Not Started Forward Outlook: Project to be picked up by the Sustainability team in the future. Progress & RAG status Activity CMP082 Create a renewable energy funding model for council partners…


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