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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related terms uk government, and government.

1 result

Lewes District Council

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…: Biodiversity 2020 A strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services. DEFRA Biodiversity 2020 (PDF) [2MB] Joint Nature Conservation Committee: UK Biodiversity Indicators 2020 The JNCC is the public body that advises the UK Government and devolved administrations on UK-wide and international nature conservation. JNCC: UK biodiversity indicators 2020…

…. Conserve Energy Future   Great British Insulation Scheme On the 14 September 2023, the government launched the £1 billion Great British Insulation Scheme to help some families insulate their homes.. Families in lower council tax bands with less energy-efficient homes will be offered upgrades such as roof, loft or cavity wall insulation. Use an online checker for the Great British Insulation Scheme…

… The National Trust: What is biodiversity? Europe's largest conservation charity, looking after nature, beauty and history for the nation to enjoy. National Trust - What Is Biodiversity? Natural England: Biodiversity The government's adviser for the natural environment, helping to protect England's nature and landscapes for people to enjoy. Natural England WWF…

… Innovation Project grant, funded by the Local Government Association, the Council and it's partner the University of Sussex has reviewed ways in which alternative financing could provide a way to fund projects to tackle the climate emergency. You can find the report, which summarises the work and the next steps, in the documents below. The Circularity Gap Report 2021 Enacted globally, a circular economy…

… real change. The GB10: Pledges from Greater Brighton on the Environment HM Government Our waste, our resources: A strategy for England. - Our Waste, Our Resources You can view the Internal Council Carbon Baseline Report and the Lewes District Carbon Emissions Analysis and Pathways Report completed by Anthesis consultants by downloading the document…


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