Including the closely related term government.
…%201%20-%20Strategic%20Performance%20Dashboard%20Q1%202022-23%20FINAL.pdf website and report submitted to Government. Establish Energy Champions CMT S Climate change e-learning to be instigated when new e-learning packages procured. Climate Change e-learning to become mandatory Switch it off/ energy saving behaviour staff campaigns Sustainability Champions…
… and continues to be expensive. The Government’s recently published Energy Security Strategy will influence innovation in this field and energy production in the future Aug 2020 – Estate electricity purchased through REGO (Green Energy) certificates. Gas contract reviewed August 2021, however still no viable ‘green’ market alternative. Install renewable energy…
… of insulation and natural ventilation to minimise the energy needed for heating and lighting. Residents also have access to some electric vehicle charging points and secure cycle racks. Theme 3 Governance Action Responsibility Timescale Deliverability issues Progress Procedures Insert Climate change ‘green thread’ across Council Strategies, Corporate Plan, MTFP, Service Plans, Capital…
… and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy and the underlying Implementation Plan in so far as it is consistent with this Council’s corporate priorities, and to the extent that resources will allow, be approved. DDC will continue to engage with KCC and all Kent Councils on County Wide collaborative action. Theme 3 Governance Action Responsibility Timescale Deliverability issues…
… continue to consider any opportunities that may arise including renewable energy and energy storage although government restrictions on the use of PWLB funds have placed some limits on the extent of such investment options. Ringfence funds for green initiatives Strategic Director (Resources) S Jan 2023 - Given the current budget pressures this is not a realistic option…