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Including the closely related terms uk government, and government.

1 result

Folkestone and Hythe District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… such as provided by the Carbon Trust. 7. Establish a cross-party working group of full council to draw up, steer and monitor progress of the Carbon Action Plan, reporting back to full council in 6 months, then annually. 8. Call on the UK Government to provide the powers, resources and help with funding to make this possible, and ask local MPs to do likewise. 9. Request that Cabinet shows…

… will be including adapting as part of its approach to addressing the climate emergency both at organisational as well as district levels. Further work will be carried out on this issue over the next 12 months. Relevant Documents Folkestone and Hythe Places and Policies Local Plan Relevant policies Policy NE1 Enhancing…

…- governmental organisations and governments, led by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). It serves as an important source of knowledge and best practice on emissions accounting and reporting, and draws on the expertise from around the world. 4.5 The protocol is intended to be used by businesses, non-governmental organisations…

… account of their emissions. It is governed by five principles:  Relevance – that the inventory helps the decision-maker to take action;  Completeness – that all greenhouse gases are accounted for and any exclusions are made clear and are justified;  Consistency – that results allow for meaningful comparisons over time with any changes to the data transparently documented;  Transparency…

… of the Council’s housing stock is about to be undertaken. When this is completed it will set a baseline that will enable the Council to look at options for reducing carbon emissions, particularly with reference to the Council’s sheltered housing. It is also reviewing the potential for external funding such as the Government’s Green Home Grant Local Authority Delivery scheme. Energy usage and options…


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