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Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

Governance 27 Conclusion 28 Appendix 1 30 3 | Corporate Climate Change Action Plan This page is intentionally blank 4 | Corporate Climate Change Action Plan Purpose of Action Plan The purpose of this Action Plan is to set out the council’s priorities and proposed actions to meet our 2030 and 2041 targets for reaching net zero…

… investment is required. All of this will lead to work streams to be developed by the new governance arrangements. Rationale for Acting Climate change is now widely recognised as one of the largest threats to human health, our economy, and our way of life. Despite the immense disruption that the Covid pandemic has caused, climate change remains a much larger threat to our way of life…

… of millions, some of which will need to be funded by government grants. Currently, there is no clear timetable from the government about when funding will be available, however this will of course have a significant bearing on our ability to reach 2030. Based on very recent experience of government grants for this type of work, the timescales are not compatible with our own internal processes…

… information on the complexity of working on school buildings and will provide base-line data, from which an overall cost for the school estate can be estimated. We will also continue to access government funding to support moving both our corporate stock and our schools to becoming low carbon. Who is responsible Group Head for Education Support Services/Senior Energy Officer Timescale – Our…

… officers through the training if it was thought to be particularly relevant to their roles. Subject to the availability of resources, APSE could deliver training for elected members, however, the Local Government Association may be able to do this too. Our officer group of Climate Change Champions would also have a role in supporting the roll out of Carbon Literacy training, as many have…


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