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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related term government.

1 result

London Borough of Hillingdon

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… to the Mayor of London1 about the basis of Government funding reiterated the uncertainty of longer-term transport demand and the need to keep transport projects under review until it becomes clearer whether, and how, the pandemic has a lasting impact on transport usage. Although the impact of the pandemic on Heathrow Airport has brought into question the proposals for expansion, there is a continuing…

… agglomeration benefits have been well established, in linking growth areas and their housing and commercial opportunities. The WLO Economic Development Narrative concluded: ‘The WLO would contribute materially across a range of areas to help support local and regional objectives within the corridor. Moreover, the 1 ttps://…

… in their linkages to strategic green infrastructure and corridor improvements. . Recommendation T3.1: To progress an effective West London cycling network, a shared commitment to resource the required work with a governance basis for joint working toward implementation should be considered. Lessons from past experiences should be reviewed with the monitoring of uptake levels and areas of potential local…

… Industrial Revolution’ to meet the Government’s Ten Point Plan. Several of these points have high relevance for West London including zero-emission transport, green public transport and active mode investment; the potential for hydrogen in heating buildings and fuelling vehicles; the use of heat capture from buildings and decentralised energy and district heating networks; the protection of use…


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