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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related terms uk government, and government.

1 result

Bridgend County Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… the Council’s Capital Programme or external grant schemes and providers, such as UK Government, Welsh Government and the Cardiff Capital Region, there will be a requirement for additional resources in the future to deliver new initiatives or schemes. The Council will continue to identify partnership opportunities and funding streams to progress this decarbonisation agenda. We will review our Action…

… to growing pressure on governments and businesses to act rapidly to mitigate climate change, calling for the UK and devolved governments to formally declare a Climate Emergency. Wales declared its Climate Emergency in April 2019. To lead the way on climate action in Wales, Welsh Government has legislated for a Net Zero Wales by 2050 with the public sector leading by example to be Net Zero…

… by 20303. Since the Climate Emergency declaration in April 2019, Welsh Government has accepted the Climate Change Committee’s recommendation to increase Wales’s 2050 emissions target4. 6 Bridgend 2030 Net Zero Carbon Strategy In March 2021, Welsh Government published the ‘Climate Change (Wales) Regulations 2021’5. These updated the initial 80% target to a net zero emission, which is a 100…

…% legislated requirement by 2050. The updated Regulations also set the requirement for a 63% Wales-wide emission target by 2030 (increased from 45%). The public sector has a critical leadership role to play on the journey to Net Zero. In recognition of this, Ministers have set the target for the Welsh public sector to achieve Net Zero status by 2030. Welsh Government have published a route map…

… Zero Carbon Strategy 7 Bridgend’s Declaration of a Climate Emergency As the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) was underway in Glasgow in October 2021, Welsh Government released its second carbon budget to progress towards Net Zero emissions, ‘Net Zero Wales Carbon Budget 2 (2021-25)’8. This plan further underpins the public sector’s role in a ‘Team Wales’ approach to achieving Net Zero…


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