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Search results for "uk government"

Including the closely related term government.

1 result

Basildon Borough Council

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… carbon energy. NPPF and PPG 3.11 The Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) and the NPPF (as detailed in the above section) provide essential guidance on planning for renewable and low carbon energy. 9 2009 UK Renewable Energy Strategy: 10 Planning and Energy Act…

… 2008: 11 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004: 12 Town and Country Planning Act 1990: 13Planning Act 2008: infrastructure/supporting-pages…

… consumption in MW it will be possible to compare it to the potential outputs from each renewable and low carbon energy type in MW to see how much each type could benefit the Borough. 16 Department for Energy and Climate Change: consumption-at-regional-and-local-authority-level-2005…

…. The data also shows that emissions are currently increasing. Transport emissions in Basildon and the East of England are quite similar, however England as a whole is slightly lower. 19 DECC: 16 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita 2005-2012 (Source: DECC) Figure 9: Carbon…

… and constraints approach to assessing renewable and low carbon energy capacity 7.5 Table 2 below details the methodology for how the constraints and opportunities for renewable and low carbon energy will be assessed. 21 Renewable and Low-carbon Energy Capacity Methodology for the English Regions (January 2010):…


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