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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related terms trees, and planting.

1 result

London Borough of Croydon

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the requirements to maximise the opportunities for biodiverse habitats in the borough and prevent habitat loss from development and unsympathetic adaptation activities. Arid roundabouts planted with drought-resistant species have already been trialled in the borough and it is important to consider species choice in the management of green spaces in order to maintain an environment that will be able…

…. Public transport links were affected by the heat as temperatures on all modes were unbearable. Sports events were cancelled; and dress codes were relaxed • there has been an increase in damage to council infrastructure caused by weather events (e.g. trees, roads, pathways) and an increasing propensity for insurance claims against the Council. The cold weather experienced during the winter of 2009…

… appointments and operations, and close respectively • high winds can affect the highways and drainage teams as leaves block gullies leading to surface water fooding. Fallen trees must also be attended to by the green spaces and highways teams to ensure main transport networks are not disrupted. All the service areas questioned have adapted their response to events as well every day practices…

… open during hot weather • as a consequence of hot weather and prolonged periods of dry weather, Croydon actively collect rainwater for watering green spaces within the borough • arid (i.e. with water-resistant plants) roundabouts have been trialled as a better option to cope with drought conditions and reduce water usage • the council (green spaces team) request water resistant planting where…


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