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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related terms trees, and planting.

1 result

Chesterfield Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… 20% of the borough by area. This report includes an estimated total value of the trees within the borough for: carbon storage (£2.9 million) and an annual value covering carbon uptake, pollution abatement, and avoided flooding (£4.6 million per year) • Around 3,500 trees have been planted by the council since the 2020/21 planting season 16 Climate Change Strategy | Chesterfield Borough…

…- build houses with off-street parking are being fitted with electric charge points as a standard planning requirement • The Love Chesterfield Business Awards now includes a Sustainability Award • The £25.2 million Staveley Town Deal funding includes green / clean developments as a key pillar of the programme • A tree canopy assessment has been undertaken which estimates a canopy cover of around…

planting). Offsetting should be a last resort, and the amount of offsetting we need to do will depend on how much the council can reduce its emissions in other ways. 23 24 Climate Change Strategy | Chesterfield Borough Council Communications, engagement and training 5.14 The council does not have a great deal of influence over national policy…


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