Including 5 closely related terms such as planting scheme, trees, and tree planting.
… and improvement of the borough’s carbon sinks and tree planting schemes. Emissions Source Scope Tonnes CO₂e % Split Council Vehicles 1 627 52.5% Natural Gas 1 228 19% Oil 1 5 0.5% Electricity 2 334 28% Total 1194 100% Spelthorne Borough Council's Scope 1 and 2 emissions 2019/2020 Council Vehicles Natural Gas Oil Electricity Electricity Natural Gas Council Vehicles Oil SPELTHORNE CLIMATE…
… requires no carbon to be emitted at all. Net Zero refers to balancing the amount of emitted greenhouse gases with the equivalent emissions that are either offset or sequestered through rewilding and tree planting or carbon capture and storage. The Council will have a greater focus on reducing carbon emissions as much as possible and only using offsetting and sequestering techniques for those hard…
… to incorporate roadside and garden tree planting with species selected for their environmental and biodiversity benefits 2026 Planning/ CCT/ Bio- diversity officer 56. Compile a list and assess the current carbon sinks within the borough, and develop a plan to protect, support and improve these sinks Improving the carbon sequestering ability of the borough 2023 CCT/Bio- diversity officer GIF…
… 57. Incorporate an appreciation of climate change risks and opportunities within open space management planning Review planting schemes to reduce the use of short-term plants and trees chosen for appearances and promote the use of plants and trees with greater climate adaptation resilience and biodiversity benefits, particularly for bees, moths, butterflies and other pollinators 2024…
… such as Colne Valley Trust to deliver biodiversity and climate change projects Develop opportunities to create carbon sink initiatives within the Borough, including landscaping, retaining and expanding existing woodland, and more tree planting On going CCO/ Bio- diversity officer GIF Priority Environment Plan SBC recently re-joined Colne Valley Partnership SPELTHORNE CLIMATE CHANGE…