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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related terms trees, and planting.

1 result

Burnley Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… heat in the atmosphere). Carbon dioxide (CO2): enters the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil), solid waste, trees and other biological materials, and also as a result of certain chemical reactions. Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere when it is absorbed by plants as part of the biological carbon cycle. Methane (CH4): is emitted during…

…, meadowland and habitats The Issue 5.56 Trees, shrubs and semi-natural grassland are net absorbers of carbon dioxide and can reduce flood risk by absorbing water and stabilizing land. They can also provide cooling and shading to mitigate the effects of rising temperatures and provide important habitats for other plants and species which may be susceptible to the effects of climate change. 5.57…

… Loss of trees can arise through development, agricultural practices, the natural life cycle and disease. Where this happens it can be mitigated through replanting but it is also important to minimise loss and ensure that together we protect and replenish our trees. Planting of additional trees and shrubs can also mitigate or offset the impacts of necessary development. Burnley Council’s Role…

… and enjoyment of residents and visitors to Burnley. Progress 5.61 The Council has planted more than one million trees in Burnley over the last 25 years on public and privately owned land through the Forest of Burnley project. This has doubled the borough’s tree cover, from just over 4% to the current 8.5%, and the project has also restored over 200 hectares of neglected woodland. The new woodland…

… is absorbing up to 2,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. The Council maintains a healthy and growing tree population in parks and green spaces and works with park friends’ groups to plant young trees. 5.62 The Council continues to work with partners including the Trees for Burnley, River Ribble Trust, Forestry Commission and adjoining authorities to secure funding for new woodland planting. During…


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