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Search results for "tree planting"

Including 4 closely related terms such as planting strategy, trees, and tree planting.

1 result

Swale Borough Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… with schools limited due to Covid-19, however working with CEE team on collaborative AQ and climate change approach. Actions we can take in partnership with others. Transport and air quality action plan. Low Establish a tree planting strategy for schools (links with biodiversity) Short Small Indivdual work with schools undertaken to encourage applications to Woodland trust tree planting

… funds. Engagement with KCC tree officer to ensure joined up working. Tree planting strategy for schools yet to be completed. Actions we can take in partnership with others. Resource consumption and waste action plan. Low Provide guidance on waste minimisation and resource consumption via a Sustainable Design & Construction SPD. Short Medium Not yet started Local Plan Review…

… Council can take Enabling Tools – cross cutting themes and actions Low A special projects fund has been set up to fund projects including those to tackle the emergency. Short Fund used to finance Carbon Trust report, Project Officer and Fuel and Water adviser. Improvement and Resilience Fund created in 2021 and will be used in 2022 to fund LED lighting, tree planting, car club. EV…

planting on council land (target; 148,100 trees or 60 acres of woodland) to offset 20% of council emissions. 2025 1,481t offset (25t to date) Funding for 11,000 trees secured via LATF Actions Swale Borough Council can take Ecology and biodiversity action plan. Low To use planning policy (local plan and a supplementary planning document) to improve development outcomes which…

… An open space survey has also been undertaken and potential tree planting have been identified. Tree cover/BNG being assessed via KWT/SELEP project. Actions Swale Borough Council can take Ecology and biodiversity action plan. Low Ensure the installation and maintenance of landscaping in new developments to contribute to biodiversity net gain via suitable conditions or Section 106…


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