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Search results for "tree planting"

Including 4 closely related terms such as planting programme, trees, and planting.

1 result

Stratford-on-Avon District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… changes to weather patterns Nil Nil 1.3 Based on the Met Office data, we will review tree strategy and open spaces management plans to take account of the need for resilient and ecologically diverse enhancements Nil Nil 1.4 We will plant 160,000 trees in Warwick District by 2030. (NB: Decision to be made as to whether a tree planting programme should also apply in Stratford District…

… la n d p ro d u ct iv it y 4.1 We will work with partners to support our agricultural sector in adapting and diversifying See above See above 4.2 we will enable tree planting and other natural means of protecting soil and managing flood risks, including ensuring the species used are adaptable to climate change themselves See above See above 4.3 We will develop planning policies…

… re d t h e H B A 1.1 We will use the Met Office data to incorporate planning policies in the SWLP which protect key species; enhance connectivity of habitats and encourage investment in new and important ecological assets Nil Nil 1.2 We will use the development management process to ensure investment in resilient ecological assets and planting schemes that accommodate predicted…

…) [££] [££] 2 S o il h ea lt h O n ce M et O ff ic e d at a is re ce iv ed w o rk w it h E A t o m ea su re p h ys ic al , c h em ic al an d b io lo gi ca l h ea lt h o f lo ca l so ils 2.1 Use Met Office data to plan investment in planting and infrastructure in flood defences, drainage and soil protection [££] [££] 2.2 Working…


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