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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related terms planting, and tree planting.

1 result

Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… of climate change and cold weather on public health, operational winter servicing and social care. • Priority Action A&S9 - securing funding through the Urban Tree Challenge Fund and delivering tree planting. • Priority Action A&S19 - submitting a comprehensive response to the Government's Planning White Paper including detailed rep- resentation on Net Zero issues. September 2020 - March 2021…

… T IMELINE: Page 8 E11 Apply for funding for a pilot project for a Neighbourhood Virtual Power Plant. PROGRESS UPDATE - Initial feasibility work and project defi- nition underway and considering funding opportunities for a Neighbourhood Virtual Power Plant demonstration project. NEXT STEPS - Progress demonstration project and determine plans for scaling up the approach…

… of use' and 'flexible demand' approaches to energy consumption. PROGRESS UPDATE - Feasibility works underway considering the use of Thermonics and V-charge heat storage to act as flexible demand and energy storage devices. At present, this is based on the use of Economy 7 tariffs. - Part of the Neighbourhood Virtual Power Plant demonstration project entails using 'time of use' tariffs…


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