Including the closely related terms planting programme, tree planting, and planting.
… any historical maintenance issues. July 2020 • Development of habitat management plans for East Ham Nature Reserve, waterbodies and woodland areas. September 2020 • Develop a 10-year Parks and Green Spaces Strategy and investment plan. November 2020 1.3 Tree Canopy Cover • Address any current tree management issues. September 2020 • Deliver the 2020-21 tree planting programme. March 2021…
… • Develop a 10-year borough Tree and Woodland Strategy and investment plan. April 2021 1.4 Develop within the Flood Risk Management Strategy an approach to sustainable drainage in the borough across public and private sector land and developments. March 2021 1.5 Map climate change vulnerability issues and adaptation opportunities within the borough, including flood risk and overheating analysis…