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Search results for "tree planting"

Including 4 closely related terms such as planting trees, trees, and planting.

1 result

Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, forcing warming Green infrastructure Natural capital – trees, plants etc. H2 Hydrogen – a gas which when burned emits only energy and water IPCC Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change Net zero Neutral state where absorption of CO2 equals its production NO2 Nitrogen dioxide – a by-product of combustion – harmful to health and the environment PM Particulate matter – physical…

… of these projects the carbon savings are projected to be in the region of 11,000tonnes • Increasing tree cover across the borough, with 18,000 trees planted in the last three years and another 14,000 planned over the next planting season. • Supporting the roll out of solar PV scheme for residents and we continue to roll out renewables such as solar PV across the estate when we have the opportunity…

… commonly selected actions were: • Assistance in improving the energy efficiency of their homes • Actions to support and encourage walking and cycling • Planting trees on Council owned land and encouraging others to do the same Comment from the Youth Council included the following: • Climate change is having devastating impacts across the world right now and focusing on loosely…

… and crop failures. As our concerns about climate change increase, we must remember the important role that biodiversity and the natural environment plays in controlling our climate and vice versa. Tameside’s green infrastructure is essential in reducing the impacts of climate change on the lives of our residents. Trees and green urban spaces capture and store CO2, improving air quality. Plants

… climate change. As well as harbouring dozens of species of other plants, invertebrates, birds and even small mammals, they capture and store carbon from the atmosphere and lock it up for decades – even centuries. Trees in Tameside contribute to ensuring that the borough is a more biodiverse, healthy and beautiful place to live. The UK has very sparse tree cover in comparison to other developed…


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