Including the closely related terms planting plan, tree planting, and planting.
… opportunities 7.2 Improve opportunities for biodiversity and enhance and preserve the natural environment Tree & Woodland Strategy and targets approved Tree planting plan 2020/21 approved Invested in the Lancashire Woodland Connect initiative to facilitate tree planting Town and Parish Councils invited to submit areas for planting. 7.3 Invest in tree planting and woodland…
… Action Plan. Additionally, £30,000 has been allocated to support tree planting through the Lancashire Woodland Connect scheme over a 2 year period. 5 Legal: None arising directly from this report. Risk Management: Covid-19 has impacted on capacity to deliver the Climate Emergency Action Plan across the Council and is likely to continue affecting delivery in the short term…
… Grants Scheme) £20,000 Climate Action Fund- Schools £25,000 Climate Action Fund- Communities £5,000 Creative engagement of young people 4. Additionally, PBC has committed £30,000 (over 2 years 2020-2022) to support the Lancashire Woodland Connect campaign to increase tree cover throughout Pendle and to help off-set carbon emissions locally. 5. The 7 priority themes of PBC’s…