Including the closely related terms trees, planting, and tree planting.
… and Communities Improved Health Q3 2021/22 Planning and Transport / Highways Operations and Streetscene 52. Make improvements to the road layout on Bedford Hill, to make it more pedestrian and cycle friendly. Develop a scheme to alter the road layout, plant more trees and improve cycle parking Implement subject to funding Enabling Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Improved…
… 110. Encourage community gardens or plant more on council- owned properties to increase biodiversity / local wildlife. More trees and wildlife Existing Offset Improved Biodiversity and Green Spaces Q3 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive / Property Services Appendix B to Paper No. 21-61 – 2021 WESS Action Plan 11 Official Overarching action Specific Action(s) Measure…
…. Existing Offset Improved Biodiversity and Green Spaces Ongoing Planning and Transport 112. Encourage planting of trees in private gardens More trees planted Existing Offset Improved Biodiversity and Green Spaces Ongoing Assistant Chief Executive / Contracts and Leisure (Enable) 113. Identify and celebrate Veteran and Heritage trees through link to great London trees, work…
…, planting native species in gardens, encouraging wildlife and pollinators) More trees and wildlife Existing Offset Improved Biodiversity and Green Spaces Q3 2021/22 Customer and Partnerships 115. Achieve net increase in the number of trees within the regeneration areas More trees and wildlife Existing Offset Improved Biodiversity and Green Spaces Ongoing Regeneration 116. Urban…
… / Customer and Partnerships 117. Adopt new approaches to the design and management of green space (i.e. drought resistant vs native plants etc.) Policies in place Existing Enabling Improved Biodiversity and Green Spaces Ongoing Planning and Transport/ Contracts and Leisure 118. Plant more trees Plant 600 trees by April 2022 Tree planting targets met Existing Offset Improved…