Including the closely related terms trees, planting, and tree planting.
… (Autumn 2024) with Submission to Secretary of State for examination (Summer/Autu mn 2025) Following examination - 6.6 Increasing the tree canopy cover through tree planting and protection on public and private land, and using parks, open spaces and other green infrastructure in Environmen tal Services Existing service budgets and grant funding (e.g…
… trees, roof top gardens and growing space as part of landscape design) Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service Existing service budgets - - - Ongoing until new Greater Cambridge Local Plan comes into force - 5.8 Working with local voluntary and community groups and other partners to promote sustainable food practices to local businesses Corporate…
… to the impacts of climate change Action Service Resources Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Completion date Target 6.1 Developing an Environmental Management System (EMS) for Environmental Services activity and seek ISO40001 accreditation. This will include a focus on reducing water consumption, potentially through reduce plant watering and sourcing water through…
… rainwater harvesting systems for plant watering and public toilets. Environmen tal Services Existing staff resource Audit and draft an EMS for S&OS. Implement and carry out first assessment of EMS effectiveness Modify EMA and seek achievement if accreditation to ISO 14001 March 2022 - 6.2 Working with Cambridge Water to promote water saving messages…
…. Interreg funding for Complete our commitments to the Nature Smart Cities across the 2 Seas project. 2022 New tree strategy. 2026 2% increase in tree canopy cover. 2050 2050 330.3 tCO2 Action Service Resources Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Completion date Target the city to help regulate temperatures. the Nature Smart Cities across the 2 Sea…