Including 5 closely related terms such as planting trees, trees, and planting.
… in which any greenhouse gas emissions put into the atmosphere are balanced out by the greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere, so that the “net” effect is zero emissions. Edinburgh has committed to ‘net zero’ emissions by 2030. To achieve this, we must reduce the emissions we produce to a minimum and capture any greenhouse gases we cannot avoid emitting through initiatives like tree planting…
…. Offsetting Designs the process of trying to reduce the damage caused by releasing carbon dioxide into the environment by doing other things that remove carbon dioxide, for example, by planting trees”. (Source: Cambridge Dictionary) Back to contents 5 Introduction Following the publication of an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report,1 which sent a clear call for climate…
… and improve our estate to net zero standard, we’ll also be thinking about how these buildings best serve the city while aligning our retrofit plans to the development of ‘20 minute neighbourhoods’ and sustainable places. We’ve made outstanding progress on reducing our waste emissions, largely thanks to the opening of Millerhill waste plant, but we’ll continue to make progress by further improving…
… time closing coal power plants. Landfill Disposal of waste material by burying it under layers of earth. IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a research group created by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme, responsible for surveying and synthesising scientific work on climate change. CCC Committee on Climate Change. Business as Usual…
…:// Back to contents 8 Carbon Budget This plan sets targets based on 2019/20, rather than on 2017/18 as with the City target. This takes account of the fact that there was a 40% drop in Council emissions due to the waste diversion from landfill to the Millerhill Energy from Waste plant…