Including the closely related terms trees, planting, and tree planting.
…, ensuring they are fit for the future • Action to make it easy for people to walk, cycle and work remotely • Tree planting, peatland restoration, green spaces and other green infrastructure In July 2020, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced his ‘A Plan for Jobs’ in which delivering a Green Recovery to the pandemic was a major focus. Funding was announced in areas such as public sector…
… and plants to exist – this is called the ‘Greenhouse Effect’. Plants and the ocean play a significant part in the natural balance of GHGs as plants and trees intake CO2 during their life cycle and oceans also absorb a lot of the excess CO2 in the air. Other GHGs exist in the atmosphere and are also contributing to a warming planet: Figure 3: Overview of the Greenhouse Effect (source NOAA…
…% of people commuting by public transport, cycling and walking by 2030 • In our borough, there should be at least 151 EV charging points Energy • Our borough currently produces 33,920MWh of renewable energy per year. • The best similar local authority areas produce 428,949MWh of renewable energy per year. This is described as the minimum target to be achieved by 2030 Greenspaces and Trees…
… • 70% of land is greenspaces, parks and countryside • Total tree cover in the area is approximately 18% • The target of tree cover for the borough is set at 23% by 2030 Waste • 52.8% recycled waste between 2019/20 • 0.5% of waste sent to landfill • The target of zero waste is set for 2030 Table 5: Summary of the current performance of environmental variables in Wigan Borough, alongside…