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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related term planting.

1 result

West Oxfordshire District Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… with the community, habitat creation projects, biodiversity and ecological enhancement and land management. In doing so, their work is making a positive contribution to addressing the climate and ecological emergency in West Oxfordshire. Opportunities for staff to volunteer on future tree-planting days organised by The Wychwood Project are being promoted across the Council to raise awareness…

…, hybrid and unknown) travelled by staff for business purposes. Electricity T&D Emissions associated with grid losses - the energy loss that occurs in getting the electricity from the power plant to the organisations that purchase it. WTT Electricity generation WTT emissions associated with electricity generation. WTT Electricity T&D Emissions associated…

… and windows; ii) installing waste water heat recovery systems; iii) installing building management systems and controls to manage heat supply. Efficient heating through either immediate or end-of-life replacement of plant and transfer across to low- and zero-carbon technologies such as heat pumps, biomass, hybrid-heating solutions. A life cycle assessment (LCA) at this point would also…

… allow the Council to better understand the embodied carbon associated with a retrofit programme. It is recommended that a LCA extends beyond simply fabric measures and assesses the embodied carbon associated with the Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) engineering requirements of new plant. Fuel consumption across Council fleet Identify resource efficiencies, reducing…


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