Including 4 closely related terms such as additional tree planting, trees, and planting.
… Short Term Investigate the use of parks and public open spaces to offset carbon a) Identify opportunities to increase the range and ecological variability of habitats and species b) Map the potential for additional tree planting c) Explore the opportunities and feasibility for urban greening such as City Trees, Green Roofs/Walls a) Ongoing b) Short Term c) Medium Term Use of solar…
… options such as cycling and walking, car sharing, public transport and ultra-low emission vehicles. Group Three: Mobile Plant The emissions from mobile plant contributed 2% of the Council’s total annual GHG emissions in 2019/20. Over the next 10 years the Council will have a need to replace the majority of its current mobile plant. Objectives We will need to: • Ensure that replacement…
… it is reflective of the likely rapidly changing national and international context. Group One: Council Buildings Group Two: Transport Group Three: Mobile Plant Group Four: Working Practices and Behaviours Mitigation & Offsetting Enabling Carbon Neutrality by 2030 2020 – 2030 Draft Strategy 15 | P a g e Group One: Council Buildings Objective Action Cost…
…, public transport where appropriate Low Short Term Avoid unnecessary travel by staff Encourage home and/ or local working Low Short Term Reduction in the use of the ‘Grey Fleet’ Investigate the reasons for staff use of their own vehicles on Council business and provide alternatives Low Short Term Group Three: Mobile Plant Objective Action Timescale Procure zero and/ or low…
… emission mobile plant a) Replace fossil-fuelled plant with zero or low emission alternatives where available b) Ongoing monitoring of technology improvements in order to ensure the best use of available technology for larger pieces of mobile plant a) Medium b) Low a) Long Term b) Ongoing Carbon Neutrality by 2030 2020 – 2030 Draft Strategy 17 | P a g e Group…