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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related terms tree planting, and planting.

1 result

Gloucester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to the point where the climate could become unstable and threaten health and the modern economy. Back in 2003 in France, due to a prolonged heatwave, it is estimated that there were over 30,000 premature deaths. There is much that can be done to mitigate high urban temperatures: from tree planting to the construction of ‘Green walls’. Also given the location of Gloucester at the foothills…

…’ seminars over the last two years. These engaged a group of local stakeholders to consider key issues facing the city, and last year there was a specific discussion around tackling climate change. Common themes raised at the workshop, and which should be considered as part of a climate change strategy, were a call for more tree planting, better co-ordination across organisations and increased…

… efficient. For the wider Gloucester community, the recently constructed Transport Hub will have made public transport more attractive, and we have enabled the recycling of carbon heavy items and ensured the Private Hire and Hackney taxi fleet is the most modern and less polluting in the County. We have continued to be very active in the area of adaptation, through tree planting and conservation…

… and from 2007 to 2010 it adopted a Climate Change Strategy. This too was a rolling programme with an annually updated series of projects. Some noticeable items in the original 2007 document that have been successfully implemented include:  the Combined Heat and Power plant at GL1  An energy efficient new depot at Eastern Avenue  A Car Club for Gloucester City residents  A turbine on Alney island…

… and  the free tree scheme. 3.2 Following the adoption of the 2010 update of the strategy, some of the later projects were not implemented, in large part because markets, subsidies and technologies rapidly changed, resulting in some projects no longer being judged as value for money. International, National and Regional Context 3.3 Climate Change has been at the forefront of the international stage…


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